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Does ease sound good to you? Whether it's in your body or mind, many of us struggle to find sustainable or affordable ways to feel better than we do.

AcuCalm at Home is a unique wellness service, a  blend of two powerful therapies, acupressure and transformational imagery audio. This easy and flexible way of supporting your body and mind is suitable for everyone, no matter what their age or state of health. 

the natural path to ease

Memberzone for AcuCalm at Home

What is AcuCalm at Home?

The Flow (EASE)
00:00 / 00:23
The River (EASE)
00:00 / 00:33
Tune Out From Work (MIND)
00:00 / 00:41
Declutter Your Mind (MIND)
00:00 / 00:22
Dump Your Muffin Top (BODY)
00:00 / 00:23
Check out these little snippets
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Screenshot 2024-05-21 at 17_edited.png
Screenshot 2024-05-21 at 17_edited.png

The Bead Charts look like this...

And they go on like this ...

Acupressure is backed by science

Acupressure has been used in Chinese Medicine for over 2000 years and it's endorsed by modern clinical trials. One 2013 trial  for Chronic Lower Back Pain, showed a "70% reduction in worst pain intensity, a 75% reduction in overall pain intensity, and a 42% improvement in disability due to back pain from baseline assessment " after 4 weeks of applying and using acupressure ear beads in the exact same way as you will use them with AcuCalm at Home.

The Power of Guided Imagery Audio 

The Mind/Body connection is highly complex, but we understand enough about it to help us feel better and even be healthier. The 2007 "Chambermaid Study" by Dr. Ellen Langer explored how  mindset can influence health . Researchers divided chambermaids into two groups. One group was told that their daily work constituted exercise beneficial for health, while the others weren't given this information. After 4 weeks, the group told their work was exercise showed significant improvements in weight, BMI, blood pressure, and waist-to-hip ratio compared to the control group. The AcuCalm at Home imagery audio coaches you through helpful changes in mindset as well as bringing relief from stress.

2 in 1 Wellness

AcuCalm at Home is the only wellness service blending these two powerful tools together.  Both acupressure and guided imagery have decades of research demonstrating their effectiveness in supporting a wide range of conditions. A 2011  study combined the two together and saw improvements in the blood glucose of participants with Type 2 Diabetes.

NHS guidelines endorse guided imagery audio as support for anxiety and gut disorders.

Origins of AcuCalm at Home

AcuCalm originated in an in person group in Chesterfield, Derbyshire. This in person experience combines ear acupuncture with soothing imagery audio. Replacing the acupuncture with acupressure made an at home version possible. And then moving from  group treatment to an individual one enables people to choose audio tracks that are tailored to their individual needs. 

Want to try the original AcuCalm in the Chesterfield group, 121 or as a couple? Click here.

  • AcuCalm at Home

    Every month
    • Access the full library of Imagery Audio
    • AcuCalm Acupressure Beads included with this Plan
    • Charts & videos to show you where to place your ear beads
  • AcuCalm at Home (with beads for 2)

    Every month
    • Access the full library of Imagery Audio
    • 2 packs of AcuCalm Ear Beads included each month
    • Charts & videos to show you where to place your ear beads

AcuCalm Founder

Sarah Kallend

Hi, I'm Sarah, an emotional and mental health practitioner using a blend of powerful therapeutic methods to bring healing, recovery and ease to people with complex conditions. 

I was initially introduced to NADA Ear Acupuncture when my NHS Oncologist suggested it may help with hormonal hot flushes during treatment for Breast Cancer in 2020. Unable to access it due to the pandemic, I decided to train as a NADA practitioner to be able to treat myself and others. 

Personally I find it challenging to sit in silence whilst having the NADA ear acupuncture treatment and so as a qualified Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapist I developed AcuCalm, combining it with soothing imagery audio in a group setting and often more issue related transformational audio when treating individuals.

AcuCalm at Home now gives everyone an opportunity to create their own personal wellness support by exploring combinations of playlist tracks with the different ear acupressure bead placements. 

Sarah Kallend with needles (Instagram Post)_edited.jpg
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