Often when people book in to see me for anxiety issues they also mention a lack of confidence. It makes perfect sense that anyone struggling with unhelpful thoughts or feelings is pretty unlikely to be feeling strong and confident in themselves. It’s really a lack of trust in themselves and this feeling can show up in many people who aren’t necessarily battling a general tendency to worry or worse.
Where this most reliably turns up is in decision making. Stands to reason that if I’m unsure of myself, then I’m highly unlikely to trust my judgement well enough to be comfortable in making a decision. I heard a story recently about how when Obama was US President he made decisions using a process that really made me stop and think. As President we can bet that Obama had a barrage of decisions flying at him not just daily but constantly. He didn’t have the luxury of dodging them or delaying them (ok, hands up all you procrastinators!): he HAD to
make those decisions.
His approach was to reach a 51% degree of certainly about the decision and then act. That sounded pretty shocking to me, despite the fact that in our house we make light work of decisions. Obama’s philosophy is that procrastination is likely to cause more damage to the overall effectiveness of the Office of President than making some of the wrong decisions ever could. It set me thinking… if I had to assign a pe
rcentage of certainty to the decisions that I make, what would it be? Certainly more than 51%! I plumped in the end for an average of 65%.